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Ryukku – Protest and Passing


Ryukku is another character who tries to pass as a normal human. She is an Al Bhed, and Yuna's cousin. She joins the group as a Guardian to protect her cousin, but doesn't let them know that she is an Al Bhed. When she meets up with her brother, however, her proficiency in the Al Bhed language gives her away. Most of the Guardians had already guessed her heritage, but Wakka, one of the most religiously fervent Guardians, refuses to accept her now that her background is revealed. Eventually, however, he realizes that Ryukku is a person before she is an Al Bhed, and he accepts her and apologizes for his earlier behavior. Because the religion of Ebon is also the political power of Spira, the Al Bhed's use of machines is a political protest in addition to religious defiance. Thus, the Al Bhed, and Ryukku especially, could represent those who, although marginalized because of their rejection of religious and political norms, are a necessary part of progress in society.