Ander Al'flith

Ander was not a happy man. Ah but then again he thought to himself what did he expect from Aes Sedai. NO! That was home talking well he didn't have to tell them where home was exactly did he. No they would have to be happy with the general western part of Andor. They thought his name was made up(Ander from Andor). Well it wasn't his fault his parents didn't know they lived in Andor and Ander was an old family name. And to make matters worse they didn't believe it was the sword that forced him here.

"Look",he told them,"when I use any other weapon I look like I'm about to fall on my face. Light! The only reason I haven't is because the Warders been training me night and day."

Of course he knew the answer to their questions on whether or not it was power wrought. He'd killed a Darkfriend who'd been sent to retrieve it and other items from the stasis box Ander had tripped over in the mountains in those ruins. They'd know what it was, those darkrieds, the one who escaped throught the funny wall with the vines had laughed that he was stuck with it. Ander had ignored him and thrown away the sword, which was strangly clean where it had been covered with blood ... ah never mind he didn't like it anymore. It had been leand up against his wall in it's simple sheath the next morning. It had even apeared at his belt once when he went to sleep under a tree. He'd gotten in a fight with a mearchent guard who wanted the sword -it was very odd how he didn't want this man to have it. He'd almost killed the man flying through the forms as he was later taught by the warders. Well he'd left home after that and had arrived at the white tower hopeing to be freed from the sword so far he'd been treated like a darkfriend as the Aes Sedai told him there were no such "training swords" left. They were to dangerous and the Dragon had destroyed them before they could be put into use. Of course they couldn't destroy this one and that's why they said it was him and he was dangerous. After all their warders weren't enhanced at all by the sword to which I could only say they were already blade masters.

Well local townsmen weren't blademasters with or without the sword. He couldn't bring himself to mention the Darkfriend he'd killed. He knew he'd been bonded to the sword with that death. He knew because that is what the excaped darkfriend had told him to distract him. It was a powerwrought weapon made from male and female dreadlords with the untainted one power before the end of the war of shadows and was meant for highly place darkfriends it would be Andors course until he died. The only conselation he had was that it was not something of the Dark One himself and the Aes Sedai had confirmed something like it had been created by Lews Therin. Now if only Lews Therin hadn't decided the swords were to dangerous to continue existing. Ah well he'd better settle in to life as warder in training, because he saw a long ways to go before any Aes Sedai bonded him(he was still unsure if this was a good or bad thing as his ability to protect an Aes Sedai was limited to haveing the sword and he had maneged to becoome seperated from it for a day or more at a stretch-if he took a fast ship and threw overboard). It was definately going to be a while before this made sense.

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