Ashram Feyleth


Born in the Cold Stone hold in the Threefold Land to a Blacksmith(Father)an ex-Maiden(Mother)and a Weaver(sister wife), Ashram was recognised as not destined for life in the Threefold land, he was albino. After much discussion his parents decided that rather than leave him to die they joined a merchant caravan carrying silks returning over the Dragon Wall. After much travelling with the caravan his parents settled in Tar Valon when hewas three.

During his childhood Ashram was singled out as much for his quick reflexes as for his albinism asnd instructors from the White Tower picked him out as good warder material and began teaching him.

Despite being an excellent swordsman Ashram fights with a mace in deference to his parents beliefs.


Ashram stands very tall even for an Aiel (approaching 6'9") and is almost painfully thin. He primarily dresses in Black and Crimson and ties his long white hair back with a strip of colour changing cloth. His very pale almost white eyes frame a permanently peeling nose.

Ashram has an amiable and friendly disposition and is able to see a joke in most things. However this covers a darker side to his nature, due to his albinism he was often bullied and had few friends during childhood and occasionally this leads him to be very bitter and cynical, but this has faded somewhat during his training. However it will be a long time until he is truly rid of it.

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