Crystalle Serena

Crystalle came to the White Tower when she was 16. she was born with the ability to channel, but she could not control it- one Sunday she was so excited about the fireworks that she accidentally set them all off at once. oops! she spent three months as a novice before she was raised to the Accepted. after five years in training as one of the Accepted, she was raised to a full Aes Sedai. she is one of the most powerful Aes Sedai the tower has seen since the Age of Legends. because of this power, she chose the Violet Ajah so she could use her power to make ter'angreal and other things. Crystalle has been busy lately, for she now has two warders, Jaaxeb and Erik.

One recent day, after being told, that the mission she had just volunteered for was too dangerous, for an Aes Sedai with no Warder. Crystalle Sedai (Krissy) was walking around camp. When she spotted Erik Claine, comming into camp. It ticked a memory, she had recalled, that he had no Aes Sedai. About five minutes later Erik was suddenly a full-fledged Warder. And Krissy was packing, for the mission.

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