Interesting Developments - Warder Conspiracy

There appears to be a conspiracy among certain members of Netland to stalk and generally irritate members of the Netland White Tower.

This font/color denotes e-mails sent to me by conspiracy members, while this font/color denotes e-mails of Tower members.

Jalin Moonshadow made the first attempt.

As Qirien walked into the rough foliage and barren plains of the waste, she wondered if her pursuer was still following her. It was only three nights ago that she burned that village fighting, there is no way the Dark stranger could still be following her. She lay down to rest and prepare for the night. As she got comfortable, she was unaware of the dark shadow stepping out in front of her. Cold grey eyes stared at her as a tall Aiel grinned with pure delight. Flaming shocks of orange hair covered one of his eyes, as he drew his sword. . .
. . . and as he soundlessly lowered his blade to strike, it glanced off some invisible barrier, obviously Power-wrought. The Aiel cursed, and began to flee. He did not think she would be so cautious.
The instant the blade touched her ward against physical presences, she was awake, and she summoned flows of air to imprison the intruder. It was too late, however, for he had slipped off into the night.

The second attempt was made by an anonymous e-mailer using a fake e-mail address at

Shadows flickered and returned to normal form in the cool night. Darkness covered all. Silent he crept in; the only sound was the soft breathing of a woman sleeping. The motion of his body stalking through the darkness awakened the half-sleeping Warder at her side. With a little thinking the One Power flooded into him. The harrassing taint of the Dark One bouncing off of the protective bubble which protected him. Flows of wind quickly bound the Warder in place and gagged him. Next flows of Air and Spirit were woven and placed where the unsupecting victim lay. 'I have come for you Qirien, don't you want to fight for the Dark One?' The smug grin on his face harrased her. She lashed for the power and struck a wall. Suddenly a cold chill filled her body. 'Tell me what you know of the Violet Ajah?' Against her own will she gave the answers; she wanted to answer, to please him. Coily playing with her hair she replied,
"Mmmm, the Violet Ajah. Ahem, well, you sly dog you, all you have to do is look on the Tni'ret ter'angreal at Yes, that's it." With a nervous glance around the dim room, she said innocently, "You do have a Tni'ret ter'angreal, don't you?"
Before he could answer, fire lashed out from the corner where the Warder had lay, quiet long enough just to find out what was going on. The mysterious intruder opened his eyes wide in surprise, but his shock soon turned to anger as he was shielded by Mingar, whose ability to channel had somehow remained a secret to the enemy. As Qirien, no longer shielded, wove flows of Air around the would-be Darkfriend, she asked with a rather un-coy smile,
"Now, who do you work for and why have you come?"

Jalin, apparently, wished to make his presence more known, and therefore sent me the following e-mail:

If you haven't figured it out, I am one of the Warders in the tower who is conspiring against you. Even though the Dark One has been defeated there is still one Chosen left. I am called Henegan, you will hear from me again...
I promptly responded:
First of all, the Dark One hasn't been destroyed yet, but all the Forsaken are dead except for Osan'gar and Aran'gar, whom Rand doesn't know much about yet. But if you want to pretend to be another Forsaken called Henegan, that's your business. You may be taken off the White Tower, though, to say the least . . .

Then, somehow, this dreaded Henegan managed to assasinate the Amyrlin, Keeper, Mistress of Novices, and Master at Arms all in the same night! More info can be found at the The Second Chat Transcript. New people are being chosen for those positions, and a plan is being formulated to vanquish this terrible foe.

The following is an e-mail sent by Henegan to every member of the White Tower.

Finally I have found you all, be prepared to meet deat for there has been somone sent after each of you. Of course unless you repent, this is my last call for all who are within the tower to turn to the DarkOne for immortality. BTW, that puny Al'thor boy can't do anything without this now can he?(attachment) The time is coming to the end, the DarkOne will be freed and all that are not of the shadow will die.(OOC and all that stuff . . . For what you did to my father you will pay Lews Therin. ALL WILL PAY I WILL AVENGE HIS DEATH!!!

A kind of madness seems to have overtaken Ravin, for he took his own life. Ariakas gives her account:

Tonight, on the chat room... Ravin killed himself. Only I was there. BURN IT ALL!!!! THERE WAS NOTHING I COULD DO!!!!! He is-was t-the only one other that Tira I... BURN IT ALL!!!! This is Henegan's fault... I swear that I will not rest until that Forsaken lies dead! Ravin and I were talking about t-, n-no... there was nothing I could do... HENEGAN!!!!!!
(Then Ariakas stalks out of the room, literally tearing the door off its hinges, her black eyes glittering with hatred and sorrow.)

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