Quartz likes to give toys to Onyx, and Onyx seems to like that, too! The lizard was on our backyard wall, and was about 6 inches long!
The girl at the piano with Quartz is his friend Anna. They almost look related . . . because they are! Both have Meibos ancestors if you go back about 6 generations or so.
For Halloween, Onyx had two outfits -- a Tigger one and a Cougar one. Which is cuter? That's like asking which is wetter, the sea or a river. :-) Quartz loved being a train engineer, especially with gloves. He wears gloves any chance he can get. I dressed in my yukata (a casual kimono) -- I made the obi (sash/belt); it's about 15 feet long. Wes is a pirate/hacker/wizard guy -- it makes sense if you know some computer slang.
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