In order to analyze the contexts surrounding the various examples of marginality in the game, it is necessary to have a basic understanding of the plot of the game. The main character, a 17 year old young man named Tiida , is transported to the future by a giant monster called Shin (this name is a sort of pun on the Japanese word shin, meaning god or spirit, and the English word sin). In the future, he meets Yuna, who has just become a Summoner. Summoners are religious figures who travel throughout the world praying at the various temples to gain the aid of powerful benevolent spirits called Aeons in order to defeat Shin. Summoners are also responsible for helping the spirits of the dead rest in peace through a ritual known as “Sending”. Tiida joins with her and the other Guardians that protect her, thinking that since Shin brought him to the future, perhaps he can find his way back to his own world through Shin.