BorrElle Kindre

As a young girl BorrElle witnessed the slaughter of her village in a trolloc raid, setting her on a path of healing in an attempt to compensate for her own loss. Slim of build and small in stature, she nevertheless is driven by an internal fire far hotter than would be believed. She looks with amusement on the foibles of men, and has a major soft spot for children, but she has /no/ tolerance for sloth or devaluement of life.

Throughout her training, We in the Hall have attempted to measure her abilities, with meager results. Each time a 'limit' or 'cap' seems to be reached, that peculiar inner fire pushes to the fore, expanding her talents in its' wake. Special notice should be given to her strengths:Water and Fire. Unusual enough to find a woman with talent in Fire, but to find it in the strength she posesses is unheard of. Yet it is her 'preferred' element, instead of her true strength in Water. She suffers from an odd, apparently emotionally motivated sympathetic reaction to weaving Water flows, to the point of her skin blistering in a very 'burned' fashion. The only time she seems safe from this reaction is when she is angry. At that time she welds Water and Fire together to stunning effect, using them to power her healing.

Since her elevation to full Aes Sedai, she has been active organizing teams to heal the damage done by the Dark One's minions, repeatedly placing herself on the line. Whispers reach my ears that she cries herself to sleep each night, and is yet plagued by nightmares of her family's death. Whatever the case, she remains in control of her faculties, and we have seen no evidence of instability...

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