Have a scenario/game to add? Have any stories of scenarios that did or didn't work? E-mail Qirien!
One player is a combat pilot who has been shot down behind enemy lines. (All he has to do is make it from one end of the field to the other- perhaps across a road or fenceline. ) The other players simply have to find and capture or shoot the player. The focus here isn't exactly on combat- rather, it's on escape and evasion and staying quiet.
This works well with a fairly large team which has to cover a large area, and the distance the quarry has to travel is a fairly long one, something like a quarter mile at least. For added interest, you can throw in another fire team to meet up with him and escort. That requires extra people. We once tried it with the "extract" team and the pilot in radio communication, but someone on the other team was listening in.
For that final dash of realism, why not simulate the pilot having to carry a sidearm by giving him a Talon and forty rounds? (haven't found anyone willing to do this yet...)