Works are sorted by subject, by date. Look for more coming soon!
De Anza High School
Advanced Placement Literature
- 1996-1997
The Invisible Man's Masks
Martin Eden Metaphorically takes Drugs
Modern Hamlet Quote Interpretations
Brigham Young University
Fall 1997 - Summer 1998
Fall 1998 - Winter 2000
American Heritage
- Fall 97
Foundations of American Political Philosophy
Major Influences on Revolutionary American Political Thought
The Development of the New Republic
Political Parties, Free Labor, and Civil War
Progressivism and the New Deal
Mastery and Liberty in the 50's and 60's
Neutrality, Unlimited Government, and Republicanism
Intensive Writing
- Winter 98
Fear vs Pride: A Diver's Perspective
Artificial Intelligence: An Oxymoron
Book of Mormon 2
- Winter 98
Alienation: Zoramites, Ammonites, Amalekites, and Anti-Christs
Liberty, Preparedness, and Faith During War
New Testament 1
- Spring 98
Jesus, the Prophet
Philosophy 1
- Summer 98
Summary of Plato's Apology
Summary of Plato's Euthyphro
Summary of Plato's Meno
Summary of Plato's Theaetetus
A Comparison of Knowledge in Meno and the Theaetetus
Philosophy 2
- Fall 98
Summary of Descartes'
Summary of Leibniz'
Critique of Spinoza's
Appendix to Book I of the Ethics
Kant and
a priori
Synthetic Judgments
Kant and Mill on Morality
Technical Writing
- Winter 99
Intelligence in Computers
Process Paper
- How to Customize your Computer's Appearance
Computer Architecture and Design
- Winter 99
From Compiler to Program
Marriage and Family
- Winter 99
Preparation for Marriage Amidst Single Life
Child Development
- Winter 2000
Early Life Experience
Development of Social Competence
Adolescent Autobiography
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